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That Protect You

Protecting your business from fraudulent injury claims

On Behalf of | Sep 13, 2024 | Premises Liability

As a business owner, ensuring the safety of your premises is probably a top priority. However, despite this diligence, you could still find yourself targeted in a premises liability claim.

While many injury claims are legitimate, businesses remain at risk of fraudulent injury and premises liability claims. Understanding how to identify and address false claims can protect your business and reputation.

Legal implications

You likely know you could face significant consequences if the other party succeeds with their claim. You may be ordered to cover their medical bills, and your insurance premiums may increase. Your reputation among consumers and the business community could also take a hit.

That is why it is critical to investigate every reported accident and injury on your property. If a claim is proven fraudulent, the claimant may face criminal charges, fines or even imprisonment, offering vindication for you.

Identifying false claims

While you should take every claim or threat seriously, keep an eye out for some common signs of false claims. Examples include:

  • Inconsistent statements
  • Lack of witnesses
  • Described injuries seem disproportionate to the incident
  • History of prior injury claims
  • Poor or incomplete documentation

A thorough investigation can help you rule out fraud or confirm your suspicions that the claim is dishonest.

As you can see, false premises injury claims can derail a successful business. You can lower your risks by getting regular property inspections, maintaining clear and accurate incident reports and installing surveillance cameras.

If you have already been targeted and believe the claim is false, seek a legal opinion to determine the ideal next steps.