As a business owner, one potential issue you could face is mesothelioma claims from former employees. This could happen if they were exposed to asbestos on the job. We have recently discussed the impact that this could have on your company and the steps you need to take when facing such a claim.
But one thing that is important to point out about mesothelioma is that it has a very long latency period. It could take up to 30 or 40 years before mesothelioma develops, even after direct asbestos exposure. This is part of the reason that most people who develop mesothelioma are relatively more advanced in age, perhaps around retirement age. It is not unheard of in younger patients, but it’s less common just because of the latency period.
Does this complicate your case?
This certainly can make your case more complicated. For one thing, you could be facing a claim from someone who hasn’t even worked at your business for decades. They say that they were exposed to asbestos on the premises, but you have a lot of questions. Was there asbestos in their home? Where else have they worked since leaving your business? Could there be another cause that isn’t related to your company at all?
It can also make things more complex when you believe you’ve taken the right steps to prevent these issues. Perhaps you had asbestos remediation carried out 20 years ago. But someone who worked for your business 30 years ago could still make a claim, even though you assumed the asbestos issue had long been solved.
As a business owner, if you find yourself in this position, be sure you know exactly what legal steps you can take.