Public buildings pose a lot of potential safety hazards that come in numerous forms. The risk of slips, trips and falls exist in virtually every single one of them.
But where are the biggest risks located? What can cause the most potential harm to people?
OSHA regulations for slip and falls
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration discusses risks associated with slips, trips and falls at workplaces and in public buildings. These sources of injury can cause major disruptions in the lives of victims, who could end up dealing with weeks or months of recovery and potential loss of income as they heal.
Generally, trip and slip injuries are more common than fall injuries, but they can also lead to falls. To that end, it is important to know where the biggest potential sources of trip and slip injuries center around.
Slipping risks
First, there are wet floors. Spillage and clean-ups without the proper warning can both cause potential unnoticed wet spots that lead to slipping. This also includes floors that are slick or slippery for other reasons, such as tile that was recently waxed or polished. Even a dusty floor can reduce traction between shoes and the floor and cause slips.
Tripping risks
As far as tripping goes, loose mats and floor coverings are one major culprit. People trip over misplaced corners of rugs quite often. Loose or uneven flooring, various obstructions and even trailing cables can all potentially cause a person to trip.
Unfortunately, all of these issues are quite common and can be found in many buildings, resulting in numerous injuries.